Thursday, July 11, 2024

Social Media for Art and Science

For artists and scientists, social media platforms are essential for communication about one's identity, creative projects, and research. My personal and professional trajectory have been shaped by these platforms, enabling me to engage globally with artists and scientists who are interested in my research on Santiago Ramón y Cajal.

For artists, Instagram often serves as the primary platform, allowing for a visually rich showcase of work. Scientists, conversely, may find X (formerly Twitter) to be more aligned with their needs, offering a space for real-time discussions and academic networking. Both platforms have their distinct advantages, and many professionals in both fields utilize both to maximize their reach.

Instagram provides a curated environment that fosters personalized engagement with audiences, whereas X offers broader reach and instantaneous interaction. Despite these benefits, it is crucial to recognize that no social media platform can replace the importance of a dedicated website. A website functions as a stable, central hub for your digital presence, free from the algorithmic whims that govern social media platforms.

While the algorithms of X and Instagram can shape visibility and engagement in unpredictable ways, it is essential to approach this with a balanced perspective. The ephemeral nature of social media reach should not overshadow the importance of cultivating genuine connections and fostering a vibrant community.

Integrating both Instagram and X into your strategy, while maintaining a robust and well-curated website, is paramount. This triad will ensure a comprehensive and resilient approach to building and sustaining a dynamic presence in the interconnected worlds of art and science.

This is an image of people on public transportation looking at their phones with hearts and smileys.

Beyond IG and X

The scope of social media is not limited to Instagram and X. Statistically, Facebook remains at the forefront for number of users per month, an estimated 3 billion per month. Not bad for a dying platform. How do the other platforms stack up? The estimated users per month are the following for these platforms:

  • LinkedIn: 1 billion
  • X: 250 million
  • Instagram: 2.4 billion
  • TikTok: 1 billion
  • Snapchat: 800 million

This is an image of a woman holding a smart phone with all of the major social media icons.

Bigger is not always better

The statistics on Facebook’s monthly users are both surprising and expected. My audience engagement is highest on Facebook, thanks to the synergy between my real-life connections and my networking contacts. While Instagram and X serve as niche platforms for me, they have provided significant opportunities such as international speaking engagements and publication offers—opportunities I wouldn't have had without these platforms. My follower count on each is relatively small, but what truly matters is reach, exposure, and engagement. I've built my audience gradually, balancing growth with genuine interaction and mutual interest.

Many teaching platforms, particularly on Instagram, promise rapid growth with viral videos and thousands of followers in a month. These claims often sound too good to be true, and they usually are. Fast growth strategies often result in "ghost" followers—spam accounts that may have a celebrity picture, no followers, and follow many others. While not as harmful as bot accounts, these ghost followers still negatively impact your engagement and reach.

Removing ghost followers can enhance your Instagram engagement. The platform prioritizes interaction and active followers over follower count. If your account has low engagement, Instagram might flag it as uninteresting, reducing your visibility.

Distinguishing between fake/bot followers and inactive followers is crucial. Fake or bot accounts should be removed since they cannot interact, learn, or purchase from you, ultimately lowering your engagement rate. However, if an inactive account belongs to a real person, I choose not to remove them. Many followers may not engage visibly but still hold potential as clients. In fact, several clients I've gained through Instagram never interacted with my content before signing on.

Luckily, Instagram has made it easy to delete ghost or spam accounts. Recently, I was able to delete 75 such accounts in less than five minutes. So, instead of spending time deleting ghost followers, you can focus on creating high-quality content tailored to your ideal clients. This strategy will attract new, more engaged followers.

This is a mosaic image of hundreds of profile social media photos organized together as a composite.

How to Remove Potential Spam Accounts from Your Instagram Followers

Reviewing Potential Spam Accounts

Instagram automatically filters accounts that are likely to be spam into a separate list within your Followers tab. Follow these steps to review these accounts:

  1. Tap Your Followers List:
    • Go to your profile and tap on your followers.
  2. Access the Spam List:
    • At the top, you will see headings such as Followers, Following, Subscriptions, and Flagged.
    • Tap on "Flagged."
  3. Review and Manage Flagged Accounts:
    • Instagram will offer the option to delete the entire list. Alternatively, you can go through the list to check for genuine followers who might have low follower counts but follow many people.
    • If you find a genuine follower, notify Instagram that they are real to keep them as a follower. This helps Instagram better distinguish between genuine and spam accounts.

Adjusting Your Spam Filter

You can toggle your spam filter on or off in your settings. Follow these steps to adjust the spam filter:

  1. Access Your Profile:
    • Tap your profile picture or the icon in the bottom right corner.
  2. Open Settings and Activity:
    • Tap the menu icon in the top right corner, then select "Settings and Activity."
  3. Adjust the Spam Filter:
    • Tap "Follow and Invite Friends."
    • Toggle the switch next to "Flag for review" to turn the filter on or off.


Navigating social media requires a strategic balance between building genuine connections and leveraging platform-specific features. Understanding the nuances of each platform can significantly enhance your reach and engagement. You can cultivate an engaged community by prioritizing quality content and authentic interactions over follower count. Reviewing and managing your followers, mainly by removing spam and ghost accounts, will ensure your audience remains genuine.

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Legacy and Insights: Celebrating Santiago Ramón y Cajal Through Art and Science

Part 1: Celebrating Santiago Ramón y Cajal on the 172nd Anniversary of His Birth

May 1, 2024, marks the 172nd anniversary of Santiago Ramón y Cajal's birth. To commemorate this occasion, I am sharing my latest drawings from the Cajal Inventory, created during a recent trip to Madrid. These include a portrait of Cajal and a composite caricature of visitors at the National Museum of Natural Sciences. The museum currently hosts an exhibition titled "The Historical Legacy of Santiago Ramón y Cajal," featuring his workspace with original furnishings and personal items. This exhibition also displays over 28,000 artifacts from the Cajal Legacy, maintained under the supervision of the CSIC.

Santiago Ramón y Cajal's contributions include his progression from a Licentiate in Medicine to various professorships, ultimately securing a chair in Histology and Pathological Anatomy in Madrid. His notable publications include the Textura del sistema nervioso del hombre y de los vertebrados among over 100 journal articles. Cajal received numerous awards, including the Nobel Prize in 1906, memberships in royal academies, and honorary degrees from universities such as Cambridge and Clark. His influence extends beyond his lifetime, highlighted by ongoing recognitions such as the publication by the Caroline Institute on his centenary.

This is a portrait of Cajal drawn by artist Dawn Hunter.
Portrait of Cajal by artist Dawn Hunter, marker and pen on paper, 11" x 14."

Scientific Publications: He published significant works on histology and anatomy, notably the Textura del sistema nervioso del hombre y de los vertebrados, and contributed over 100 articles to scientific journals.

Recognition and Awards: He received numerous awards, including the Nobel Prize in 1906was a member of several royal academies and societiesand received honorary degrees from universities such as Cambridge and Clark University.

Influential Lectures: Cajal was invited to deliver prestigious lectures, including the Croonian Lecture in London and lectures at Clark University in the USA.

Enduring Impact: His work continues to be celebrated, evidenced by publications and honors in his name, like the volume published by the Caroline Institute on his centenary(Acta Physiol. Scand., Vol. 29, Suppl. 106).

This is a portrait of artist Dawn Hunter standing in front of an oversized photograph of Cajal.
Portrait of artist Dawn Hunter at the Cajal exhibition, Museo Nacional de Ciencas Naturales, Madrid, Spain.

This a cartoon drawing by artist Dawn Hunter documenting the visitors to the Museo National de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid, Spain
Caricature portraits of visitors to the Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid, Spain. Marker and pen on paper, 11" x 14."

Part 2: Updates on Scholarly Pursuits and Exploration of Cajal's Work

“The histologist . . . has two important adversaries the smallness and the colorless”, wrote Cajal in Recuerdos de mi vida (1917, p. 337, translated here by DeFelipe).

I am pleased to announce the publication of Art, Intuition, and Identity in Ramón y Cajal in the History of Neuroscience section of The Neuroscientist. I extend my gratitude to my coauthor, Javier DeFelipe, for his pivotal insights on Cajal and to Bevil Conway for his mentorship in scholarly writing. Arpan Mehta of the Cajal Embroidery Project also played a crucial role in the success of our collaboration, starting with our initial six-hour discussion in 2021.

Our essay examines Cajal's legacy, emphasizing his artistic skills alongside his scientific innovations. Cajal's methodical use of the Golgi method, complemented by various histological dyes, provided deep insights into brain structure and function. He adeptly combined his artistic talent with scientific research, using techniques like photography to enhance public engagement with his anatomical sketches. This blend not only solidified his professional image but also left a lasting impact on both the scientific and cultural landscapes.

Read the entire essay, here:

Cajal exhibition at the Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid, Spain.
Photo by Dawn Hunter of the Cajal Exhibition at the Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid, Spain.

This a four black and white photos of Santiago Ramón y Cajal, undated multiple self-portrait photos printed by Cajal.
Santiago Ramón y Cajal, undated multiple self-portrait photos printed by Cajal. 

Monday, November 20, 2023

Bridging Art and Neuroscience at the Society for Neuroscience's Annual Meeting, 2023

 The Society for Neuroscience's 2023 Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C., was a beacon for the neural sciences, uniting over 30,000 global attendees. It epitomized SfN's commitment to scientific collaboration, career growth, and networking. The conference's heart lay in its Featured and Special Lectures, where 13 Special and 4 Presidential Lectures showcased the pinnacle of neuroscience thought.

This is a photo of the Walter Washington Convention Center with an oversize Society of Neuroscience sign hanging off of it.
SfN 2023, Walter Washington Convention Center, Washington, DC

Keynote presentations spanned a diverse range of topics. From Mala Murthy's insights on Drosophila's neural networks to Sarah J. Tabrizi's breakthroughs in genetic therapies for neurodegenerative diseases, each session expanded the boundaries of neuroscience.

The following days continued the trend with Anne Schaefer's discussion on neuron-microglia circuits and Erin M. Schuman's exploration into synaptic cell biology. Joanne E. Berger-Sweeney's journey from bench scientist to college president brought a narrative of resilience and change to the domain of neuroscience and education.

Clinical neuroscience took center stage with Carolyn Rodriguez's exploration of OCD treatment avenues, while A. James Hudspeth's lecture on the mechanics of auditory hair cells revealed the complexities of hearing. The innovations in neuroscience tool development were highlighted by Karl Deisseroth's talk on channelrhodopsins.

Gilles Laurent's exploration of brain evolution and Judy Illes's address on neuroethics emphasized the expanding scope of neuroscience, touching upon cultural and environmental considerations. The role of astrocytes in neural circuitry was illuminated by Cagla Eroglu, and the intricate relationship between empathy and neural circuitry was presented by Hee-Sup Shin.

The meeting's final day was marked by Yang Dan's lecture on sleep regulation, Beatriz Rico's dive into cortical circuitries, and Mark M. Churchland's discussion on population-level neural computations. Xinzhong Dong demystified the sensation of itch, presenting new therapeutic directions.

This is an image of the NIH exhibit and the poster presentations at the SfN 2023 meeting.
Exhibitors, left, and poster presentations, right, Society of Neuroscience 2023

The intersection of art and neuroscience was exemplified by the presence of Ella Maru Studio co-founded by Sasha and Ella Marushchenko. Ella's scientific illustrations and animations brought visual representation to complex scientific concepts. Her story, a tapestry of resilience, passion, and the power of visual communication, was a highlight of the conference's exhibitor hall. You can read more about Ella Maru Studio in a comprehensive SC People interview on, the home of the webzine South Carolina Sunshine.

Sasha and Ella Marushchenko at the Ella Maru Studio exhibit, Society of Neuroscience 2023

The Art of Neuroscience exhibition featured highly respected and renowned artists like Greg Dunn, Michele Banks, and Laura Bundesen, whose diverse mediums and styles offered attendees a multifaceted view of neuroscience. Dunn's work, in particular, with its Asian influences and innovative reflective microetching, has made a significant impact across the neuroscience community.

In conclusion, Neuroscience 2023 was a testament to the synergistic potential between scientific discovery and artistic expression. The meeting underscored how art can elucidate and magnify our understanding of the brain's complexities, offering a dual celebration of scientific progress and the diverse, creative modalities through which we can appreciate the neural wonders.

This is a portrait of artist Greg Dunn with an exhibit of his artwork at the Society of Neuroscience 2023.
Art of Neuroscience exhibitor Greg Dunn with his artwork, SfN 2023

This is a photo of Laura Bundesen with her artwork at the Society of Neuroscience 2023.
Art of Neuroscience exhibitor Laura Bundesen with her artwork, SfN 2023

This is a photo of Michele Banks with her artwork at the Society of Neuroscience conference 2023.
Art of Neuroscience exhibitor Michele Banks of Artologica with her artwork, SfN 2023

Michele Banks, Cosmic Exploration Brain, watercolor on paper